This was the first year he was able to sing the words, do the hand movements, and NOT get in trouble. We have had two years where he was banned from performing and one year where he smacked people who were singing and jumped off the risers! This is a pretty big deal folks! : )
ntly my little muscial virtuoso loves his music class, so I am sure it helped him keep his focus! And since we now live in a town where there are grandparents, Pappa and Grandma were able to come not only to Joshua's performance but also to Riley's, too.

Anyway, just thought I would share my pride. My kids love music just like their momma and sing all the time, too!
Of course the REALLY funny part of going up to the school for anthing pertaining to the kids is the artwork in the hall. Take a look at Joshua's
art. This was the wish list the kids made for Xmas...and of course it is meant to look like him! : )I know it is a bit difficult to see, but here is what Jman wants for Christmas:

1. A little brother! Yikes!!
2. A new house
3. A new book - that's my boy
4. and this one is FUNNY....God as his dad....Wow! Brandon has some changes to make!! haahaa!
Ok I saw the slide show of the Xmas pics... did you REALLY have like 3 slides that said I WANT A NEW HOUSE....LOL
That's my girl..... hugs!
LOL!!! Yes, BJAK took three pics of the same pic!! I think he did it because the drafting dude is supposed to have the final design of our house this TUESDAY!! Yikes! Think he was trying to prove a point! : )
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