We were lucky enough this year to have Christmas with a large number of our family. The only ones missing were the ones way up in Washington state!!
Our first
Xmas was at my mom's house. My step-dad, Pinky, was able to come up from Lubbock to join us and was kind enough to make a pit stop in C
lovis, NM to pick up my nephew, Masenn. Masenn and his mom are getting ready to mov
e up to Fort Collins, CO, so it was great that he was able to come up and have some fun with his cousins. Unfortunately, they are lucky if they get to see each other once a year, so it was great that they could play some before the big move. And I know tha
t my bro, Scott, was happy to have him up with everyone as well!

The second Xmas was on Christmas day. We h
ad Bjak's dad,
Mike, and step-mom, Robin - the other one, his sister,
Summer, her husband, Scott - yes, my kids have two Uncle Scotts!! - and baby Colten. They came over for Bjak's special xmas breakfast and then it was off to the presents!

It was kinda funny,
but Sum
mer wanted to go one at a time with opening everything, but if we had done that we would not have finised until after 2pm! There was just sooooo mu
ch for everyone to open! And the excitement of the kids was on overdrive, so the one at a time was just not a option!! Anyway, after that we had our special Christmas lunch over Mike and Robin's house, and then we all passed out from all the food, present opening, and festivity

Hope you all had as nice a Christmas as we did!!
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