Here it is! I finally took pics of my classroom to share with all as well as pics of a few of the folks who now influence my daily life at FHS! Sorry it took so long!
Well, here is my classroom door! Exciti

ng, eh? We were at the very beginning of door decorating contest, but I decided to leave it all up still since I like the wrapping paper!! I thought it was cool to have a candy cane door.
The inside is just so much like what I have always done...there is stuff everywhere! I have the computer up at the front of the room, which is kinda weird for me since I like being at the side of the room, but the

connection is either under a chalk board, at the front of the room, or in the back where I have the couch and the vocab wall. So, I am front and center every morning and those poor kids are looking at my mug all the time!
The couch in the back is one I inherited. It was really funny because when I moved in my department head was shocked that I would want to keep such a thing in my room! The kids love it and are always wanting to sit on it and so their work. Anything to get the work done, I say!
My office is c

onnected to the back of the classroom. Yes, I have my own private offic

e. Way cool and they spared no expense as you can tell by my loverly office chair. Gotta love the

rat eaten hole on the arm! I don't care! It is my own little space that has my pics of my buds, notes from students over the years, and my boys...yes, my U2 buddies are with me everyday.
The hallway is so funny!! This monster sized corridor is where my class is located. And this photo only shows the one end. But what you should notice is the white space!! If you look carefully, you will see that there is NOTHING

on the walls! There is of course one exception. On the right side of the pic you will see my room...the one with kid work on the wall! It is so polar opposite of Lowery. Lowery kinda looks like a paper mill exploded in the halls and yet here is looks like an asylum...hmm...interesting comparison!! : )
My mentor

, Mr. Jeff Young, has been at the school since 1982!! Yes, 1982! I looked through Bjak's yearbook and saw Young in there and then had to ask, "How freakin' long have you been here?" He just laughed. He is a pretty cool mentor, though. Each time he tells me good morning, that counts for at least 30 minutes of mentoring time! : )
My neighbor across the hall is Orla Fincher. She is a crack up

and loves to steal my ideas and use them for math class. JK! She is the one person that I have been able to bounce ideas of

f of and share! We don't even teach the same subject but that is what has made it so cool. She has a daughter who is coming up next year, and the funny thing is her daughter has already asked that she get signed up to be in my class...and the dad, Ed Fincher, is in my department!! Poor dad! The funny thing about Ed is when I was sent for Lowery three or four years ago to a Pre-AP confernce, I chose to go to ABQ and stay with mom, etc. Well, Ed was in my group for our project. When I asked him if he was there, since he looked so familiar, I said I had gone and everyone called me "Texas" since I was the only one from out of state. He looked at me and said, " I remember you!!" It was the nickname and not my face that tipped him off!

My saving grace is my new pal Barbara Silvermith. She is a riot. She is the new freshmen counselor and she works her tail off with schedules, counseling and being the 9th grade administrator all the time. She makes me laugh and to make her day better I think I make her laugh all the time. She is a very, very neat lady and I am very glad to have been able to meet her and hang out with her...she is a part of the happy hour bunch!
This is it for now! Hope to hear from you all soon and hope ya like my class. It has been an interesting place to be everyday!!
Wasn't J.R. Ewing sitting in that office chair when he got shot?
Holmes and I saw JUNO yesterday....it started with a chair and ended with a chair...
you could write your own story all about the chair!! LOL
we miss you!
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