Okay, there are no pics for this post simply because it would have been very odd for me to have taken a pic of this little man from the state who came to check out the campus this week. I have walked into a repair job. Basically what that means is that the school I am now working for is under state inspection because they did not meet AYP for the last two years. When that happens, they send out people to help you "fix" your problem areas. Well, there are 23 items assessed by AYP and we failed ONE of them. That is all it takes appartently to have an issue when the state comes in and checks everything out. Interesting, eh?
Anyway, the little man...and I mean little (he was only about 4'11) came to the school yesterday to check us out. His visit was the reason in which I could not go to Santa Fe for the conference...the cool conference...because he, the little man, might want to talk to me.
Well, yesterday mornings, since I am feeling much better, I was standing at my classroom door and Mr. Driskell, the principal, and the little man walked by. I said my hello and thought nothing else of it...until after second period when I was told he "hand selected my class" to do an observation. Yippie for me!!
I do class the same way I always do...we start with the crazy vocab lesson I learned last year from Region 10 with the little cards. I make the kids stand up/sit down when the find the correct word so that I have a visual for when they get the information. Then we did our test review. Then we talked about our upcoming project. Then he left. The nice thing was we saw him laugh several times... my motto is that if a kid does not laugh at least once in class then I don't have their attention. Well, I guess we had his!!
Well...the story goes on...two more hours later, Mr. Driskell, the principal, comes and says, "Did anyone tell you?" Okay, does that sound like a good lead-in to you?? No! Anyway, I was oblivious as to what he was talking about and said so. The little man not only wanted to do his observation but he also wanted to interview me during my prep! Yippie times two!!
Anyway, we talked, he ran into me (that was odd) and he only asked me a couple of questions....
Well, I have now had two teachers come up to me and say, "Good job!!" Why, you may ask? The reason is that apparently we just passed out "inspection" with flying colors!! Rock on!