Thanksgiving. It is a time to hang with the ones you love and create fun memories. Well, we did! We went off to my haven, that means we left

When we arrived, there was not a speck of snow ANYWHERE!! The ski season is looking a bit bleak for the area.
But, when we woke up the day after Thansgiving, we had a winter wonderland. It snowed about 12 inches
overnight and kept snowing
throughout the day. We already had tickets for a cool train ride through the mountains, so we went out on our trip and enjoyed lots of hot, hot, hot, hot chocolate (Imagine the Polar Express song for that one!! Kids sang it the whole time we were on the train!) And the kids had a blast creating their
snow angels and throwing snowballs at their parents! Don't we all enjoy that?!

With the new white weather, Bjak had the perfect opportunity to take his ne
w Jeep out to play in the snow. I preferred not to be in the ride for that because I prefer the vehicle to be s
topped in wintery weather rather than sliding all over the road! What can I say? Guess I was in Texas too long, because now I am known as "Little Tex!"

Holy snow! It's cold and wet and gray here; no snow or ice or any weather drama... yet.
When are you coming back to Texas??
J-Man as a snow angel is the most adorable thing ever!!
I echo shelly...when are you coming to Texas?!?!
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