Here it is. The first entry I have for my new blog to keep everyone up to date and informed. Granted, my life is not near as exciting as the WONDERFUL new changes for my pal Kelli. And I don't have near the work drama that my best buddy Miss Amanda has...I know that is hard to believe, but it is true. Life here is just steadily going by without too many complaints. I just miss so many people in Allen and the DFW area and feel like I took for granted how well I had it in my other home.

It isn't the same, but we are making our way. The nice part is that Bjak has been great about making sure that I get out when the time comes or my fuse is getting a wee bit too close to the dynomite! The saving grace has been our continued trips up to Colorado. Granted there is absolutely NO snow there right now...we are hoping for

a storm that is set to come in this week for our turkey trip...but we have had a great time going up for swimming in the lodge, a few fishing outtings, and trips to see the train. All in all that has been the best part of the move!
The kids have adapted VERY well to their surroundings. Joshua is doing so much better in school and has even started sp

ending more and more time in a general ed class. Riley has taken to school like a duck to water. She loves to read now, and has already read over 20 books on her own in the last week and a half! That's my girl!!

Bjak has everything under the sun on his plate. He is working with his dad as well as working on a residential development, a medical billi

ng company, and an open MRI company! He is a busy bee!
School here for me has been an experience. I mean that in the most generic of terms. It is just not the same. Hopefully, I will adjust, but I pray that I never conform to the norm at the school. If I do, someone slap me because that would mean I transformed into the yellow overhead teacher!! Yikes!
YEAH!! you did it!! You are an official blogger! And it does not matter how unexciting you think your entry is...we just want to know what is going on in the world of our DESERT ROSE who we miss terribly!!
I am here in Denmark..just finished a cup of coffee and peanut butter toast (with the JIF I brought, of course!!) Off to pick up the wedding rings!!
love you!!
Yippie!! Someone actually responded to this thing!! I can't believe it!
I hope you have as pleasant a week as possible since you will have to come back to Allen for a few weeks before Mads comes back out to Allen.
Hope you have lots of fun and don't forget to document!!
Love ya, too, Texas Rose!!
Hey sister! So glad you are now part of the addiction.
I'll send you an invite to read my blog; I made it private a long time ago so that my stories wouldn't get repeated all over LFC.
Love and miss you!!
You are now officially the coolest person I know! Now I can catch up on all of your exciting news. I can get my "Robbin-fix"! I guess I am the one behind the times. Maybe it is time for me to blog as well...
Hey Robbin ... you're an amazing woman! I'm clueless on blogging! ... and lots of other things too!
We'll have to get together soon to give Mrs Denmark a proper "bride" party!
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