Well, I guess it is about time that I show you all the house we are renting. Many have heard my ranting and raving...that is not meaning that all my comments have been great, by the way...so I figured I had better go around the house and take a few snap shots of my temporary casa.
As many of you already know, I LOVE my house in Allen. And yes, we still have the house in Allen. As of right now we have simply leased it versus selling it. And we were very fortunate to get great folks to lease it. They have even planted flowers and trimmed the hedges...which is more than we did in the year we were there!!

Anyway, this house is a little more than 3000 sq. ft., so it is a

great size. The first

for me is that it is all single story! Not used to being in a sprawling house, but it is working. It has a lot of really cool features to it. The living and formal dining are together in the middle of the house, and the ceiling is covered with wood and Vegas in the typical southwestern style.

The kitchen is a great size, but it was oddly shaped so I ended up putting my kitchen nook table in the middle of the room and it works great since there is no island in the kitchen.

The house is built on a fung sway (I soooo know I spelled that wrong...sorry Shelly!) design. Basically that means we have water (the entryway) and fire (the fireplace) together and then Earth and sky together. What does this mean??

Well, that means that when you walk into the house there is a waterfall and on the opposite side of the waterfall is the gas fireplace. Still trying to get used to the gas only fireplace, especially living with a pyro who is not happy that he can't burn anything!! Then the Earth and sky part is the living room. The ENTIRE house is stained concrete. It is stained the color of the ground, meaning brown, another shade of brown, a rusty

color and a bit of green. But it is ALL concrete. There is not a thread of fabric, neither Berber or shag, on the floor anywhere other than the couple of rugs that we brought with us. Needless to say we are looking forward to have some carpet sometime in the future since our feet hurt in the morning and my poor kids fall

on a daily basis even when they have shoes on in the house. How tragic! Oh, the sky!! I almost forgot. That is the Vega pattern on the living room ceiling. It looks like a sunburst in the pattern or shape. I must be the fifth element, but I have no idea how I am affecting the other elements in the house!! haahaa!
We sp

end most of our time in the TV room, which is where we put our tree, TV, and computer. This is the only place we could have put the TV since this is the only room with a jack! Oh, well, it works great and was a wonderful area to put all of our U2 stuff on display.

The really cool area is outside. My pictures do NOT do it justice. The family who owns the house built a GREAT deck on the back of the house. It is about 1600 sq. ft. and looks out at the sunset every night. It is really cool and almost the same size as our first house! : )
Again, so many things about the house are really cool and all of our stuff fit in it wonderfully,

BUT the horror of the whole house is the master closet. The pic that I have posted is NOT shrunk in any way. What you see is the entire master closet. I have had master closets in apartments that were larger than this! Urgh!!

Oh, well. It is temporary and my mother's great advice was to "Look at it as an adventure. Think of it as your vacation home." That is what I am doing so far, but just to let you all know, there is an extra room available in this

vacation home waiting for visitors!! :)