Whelp, we are still chugging along with the house. All of the dirt work...might be done up to this point. Even with all the piccs from a previous post showing the mounds we had to fill in the extra space between the basement walls, we STILL did not have enough dirt. We had SEVERAL truck loads out to get everything level and set up.
So, far I only have a few pics from when the walls went up. This last week they finalized the leveling and also poured the concrete for both garages!! Yippie!!
And the next stage, you ask?? Frame stage is next. We apparently have the floor trusses in and all should be ready to rock...HOWEVER, my two builders, aka Bjak and Jay, have taken a "business trip"...to CABO SAN LUCAS!! What a life! Anyway, until they return, the house is on hold, so maybe next week I will have some much cooler picks.
Right now there are a few pics to show. Granted, these are not my house, but the house we are putting together is based on the one you can see here!!!!!
If you want to see more pics of the model, just go to:
The Pics are all under "Abq Model"!
Have a great weekend, and more later!!
wow.......... I am LOVING THAT KITCHEN!!
so seriously, what is the expected completion date? I am sure from even the time you posted this last week, things are continually changing... I know you cannot wait!
And you can stay in the FUNG SHUI rental until then, right?
WOW...I love the type of house you are building. I can't wait to see yours. The model is really cool. Knowing you, your's will be even cooler...because you have such good taste. I'm also sure it will be the most organized house EVER!
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